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Located in Moab, Utah, and it's a scenic and thrilling dirt track that has humbled many egos. A must-do destination for off-roaders. This destination has two famous spots: the Shafer Switchbacks and Thelma and Louise Point, where they jumped their car off the edge. 



100% Arabica, single origin. The flavor profile for this Papua New Guinea bean is vibrant and dried fruit, a heavy body coffee reminiscent of the atmosphere of this tropical paradise. If you're looking for a exciting different coffee bean, the Shafer Canyon won't let you down, this is a go-to.



To guarantee freshness and quality, we roast-to-order. We care about where our beans come from, their impact on the environment, the people that produce them, and the quality of the coffee that end up in your mug every morning, afternoon, and evening.


Shafer Canyon | Papua New Guinea Peaberry | Medium Roast

PriceFrom $11.00
  • Roast Medium Roast
    Flavor Profile Nutty, Dried Fruit, Full Body
    Country of Origin Papua New Guinea
    Region Wahgi Valley, Western Highlands Province
    Elevation 1550 – 1600
    Processing Kula processing method
    Drying Method Raised-bed drying




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